STUDIE Features

Get started with us - it's perfect for students in universities, colleges and institutions.

STUDIE Classroom Sessions Use Case


STUDIE : Become Examination or Placement ready with STUDIE Triggers

STUDIE : Your Live Classroom Experience Shared Daily

STUDIE : Students Preparing for Round 1 Communication Interviews

STUDIE : Students design their interviews with Resume/CV/JD on STUDIE

STUDIE : Students design their MCQ interviews with STUDIE

STUDIE : Documentum Module Part 1 - Students upload their own subject documents

STUDIE : Documentum Module Part 2 - Students ask Doubts on STUDIE.

STUDIE : Connect with your handwritten notes on STUDIE.

STUDIE - Notification module and Dashboard details for students

STUDIE : Attend webinars organized by Doctorate's with a PHD in their field